
enter image description hereenter image description hereHi I am using below code to plot the charts througs Highchart API. By this tooltips are working fine on firefox and also on chrome but on IE tooltips are flickering. and as we move mouse tooltips remain for some sort of time while other has appear.

                var chart=new Highcharts.Chart({
                            chart : {
                               zoomType: 'xy',
                               spacingRight: 20,
                               renderTo : "container",
                               type : graphType
                            tooltip: {
                                enabled: true,
                                followPointer: true
                            title : {
                                text : graphTitleForChart
                            },xAxis : {
                                type: 'datetime'  
                            },credits: {
                                enabled: false
                            legend: {
                                align: 'right',
                                verticalAlign: 'middle',
                                layout: 'vertical'
                            yAxis : {
                                min : 0
                            plotOptions :{
                                area: {
                                 stacking: 'normal',
                                 lineColor: '#666666',
                                 lineWidth: 1,
                                 marker: {
                                    enabled : false,
                                    symbol : 'circle'
                                column: {
                                 stacking: 'normal',
                                 pointPadding : 0,
                                 lineColor: '#666666',
                                 lineWidth: 0,
                                 marker: {
                                    enabled : false,
                                    symbol : 'circle'
                                pie: {
                                 allowPointSelect : true

                                line: {
                                 marker: {
                                    enabled : false,
                                    symbol : 'circle'
                                series: {
                                    events: {
                                        legendItemClick: function(event) {

                                            var seriesIndex = this.index;
                                           var series = this.chart.series;
                                           if(this.name == 'Select All'){

                                                    for (var i = 0; i < series.length; i++)
                                                    for (var i = 0; i < series.length; i++)
                                                return false;    
                                           }else if(series.length > 1){

                                               var i;
                                               for (i = 0; i < series.length; i++)

                            series : arrSeries


In this, graphType will containe either of 'area','column','pie','line' .
Please tell me what's wrong in this. Also when all the graph series have 0 values then at y-axis 0 line shows in the middle of y-axis, how can I fix origin of Y and X axis to (0,0)

Could you attach "arrSeries" object ?Sebastian Bochan
could you please tell me how to attach the object. I have firebug in firefox, and IE developer tools both. and I have write the data which is in the arrSeries in post, but not the name partagarwal_achhnera
How your arrSeries looks like, which values have? You can use console.log(arrSeries);Sebastian Bochan
Which version of Highcharts do you use?Sebastian Bochan
Could you test this exmaple jsfiddle.net/SYFbu problem also appears? I used HC 3.0.2 and I cannot reproduce this issue, Whcih version of IE8 do you have?Sebastian Bochan

3 Answers


I had a similar issue caused by IE8 being in Quirks Mode. This is most likely happening because you haven't specified a doctype.

Use <!doctype html> to change to Standards mode and resolve the issue.


Without seeing a representative demo using some of your data I cannot reproduce the "flickering" of the tooltip. I will say that the answer to you second question is no, you cannot set the chart to show just the mutual positive area when all your points are not defined or are all 0. This is a result of how HighCharts is trying to determine the size of the chart. It does not do well with no points or with all 0 yAxis values.


Just put <!DOCTYPE HTML> before HTML tag, then tool tips will not flicker.