I try to migrate django 1.8 users to firebase, and django password algorithm is django_pbkdf2_sha256, and the firebase support PBKDF2_SHA256
Error: Unsupported hash algorithm DJANGO_PBKDF2_SHA256
How do I bypass this?
Ref: https://firebase.google.com/docs/cli/auth?hl=es-419
from passlib.hash import pbkdf2_sha256, django_pbkdf2_sha256
from passlib.utils import to_bytes, to_native_str
import base64
PASSWORD = 'aA123456*'
ROUND = 20000
SALT = to_bytes('google')
hash0 = pbkdf2_sha256.using(salt=SALT,rounds=ROUND).hash(PASSWORD)
# True
# True
# $pbkdf2-sha256$20000$Z29vZ2xl$PtFLyZHJJucUa2KBg1iJeVJsivis8JimRhFifRRKlFc
# Current keys generate by django 1.8
dj = [{"model": "auth.user", "fields": {"password": "pbkdf2_sha256$20000$mkMhRA3bpiV7$GDkKvfuzu6b9YrKGk1jy3pKkA/DUIKYc9rYEuzRLoIw=", "last_login": "2019-01-07T15:30:38.959Z", "is_superuser": True, "username": "romel", "first_name": "", "last_name": "", "email": "", "is_staff": True, "is_active": True, "date_joined": "2018-11-02T18:07:14Z", "groups": [1], "user_permissions": [1]}, "pk": 2}]
print('is hash 0 is valid pbkdf2_sha256 algorithm >>>', pbkdf2_sha256.identify(hash0))
// Result: True
print('is hash 1 is valid pbkdf2_sha256 algorithm >>>', pbkdf2_sha256.identify(dj[0]['fields']['password']))
// Result: False
print('is hash 1 is valid django_pbkdf2_sha256 algorithm >>>', django_pbkdf2_sha256.identify(dj[0]['fields']['password']))
// Result: True