
I want to add add inline model and exclude some fields from User change form in Django admin.

I'm trying to override Django's built-in UserAdmin to preserve User change design:

class UserCustomAdmin(UserAdmin):
    # list_display = ['id', 'username','email', 'last_login']
    exclude = ['groups','user_permissions']
    inlines = [UserProfileInline]

Even exclude = ['groups'] raises error:

u"Key 'groups' not found in 'UserForm'. Choices are: date_joined, email, first_name, is_active, is_staff, is_superuser, last_login, last_name, password, username."

How to make it work?


1 Answers


groups field appears in the UserAdmin.fieldsets also. The error appears, I think, because you exclude the field from form, but later is defined in the fieldsets and form fails.

Try to overwrite the fieldsets accordingly, in your UserCustomAdmin with no groups field.