I followed exactly the same from the following guide:
I am using code behide to call the localization class directly as the example shown and it is running fine.
But if I run it with debug mode, it will give me File IO NotFound exception saying Invalid Image. (Which I have no idea why)
The guide and google tells me I need to turn off the Fast Deployment in the Android project and which I did. And I am still getting the same exception.
I also followed the guide to try debug by loading the assembly to see if the resource file found and it located without problem.
Anyone facing the same problem?
My resources files is located in my shared .net standard 2.0 project. I am using latest Xamarin Form + Visual Studio 2017.
I found out when it tries to load the localization string, it looks for my device language which is en-CA from dll file locate in the android/bin/debug folder: en-CA/{my project assembly name}.resources.dll
However, I only have two resources file:
Neutral language, which named ClientResource.resx
Japanese, which named ClientResource.ja-JP.resx
I've check all the files in debug folder, the resource dll file only exists under ja-JP/{my project assembly name}.resources.dll
So if I change my device language to Japanese, it will works fine in Debug mode. However any other language it will throw exception instead of using neutral language.
Any idea why it doesn't use neutral language?