In a Xamarin Forms (3.0) application, what method(s) would I use to tell if a drawable resource exists in my Android project from shared project code?
In iOS, I can use NSFileManager to see if the file exists in my iOS project's "Resources" folder:
#if __IOS__
private bool DoesImageExist(string image)
return Foundation.NSFileManager.DefaultManager.FileExists(image);
In Android, I thought it should be part of the Assembly Resources, but that just returns my App.xaml file.
#if __ANDROID__
private bool DoesImageExist(string image)
if(MyApp.Current?.GetType() is Type type)
foreach (var res in Assembly.GetAssembly(type).GetManifestResourceNames())
if (res.Equals(image, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))
return true;
return false;