When we create a new Model or database migration in Laravel we can use $table->timestamps();
which creates created_at
and updated_at
by default. Why does a project required these fields in the view of a best project structure?
3 Answers
It's always useful to know when an object is created or updated. Even though I personally prefer creating different timestamps for different purposes, like if I have an entity which gets processed asynchronously, I usually add a datetime column called completed_at
so that I know when the job was completed.
If you don't like default timestamps, you can remove them by assigning public $timestamps = false; in your Eloquent model.
Every Model/Records
you insert in table it`s better to track its created_at
time and updated_at
time. Timestamp
use cases could be different depending upon indiviusal.
Most developer use timepstamp to track their database records.
That`s why Laravel Eloquent by default provide created_at
and updated_at
options. Whenever Model/Records get created created_at
column value get set automatically and whenever record get updated updated_at
column value set to that time automatically, so developer need to write minimum code for managing timestamps.
Laravel timestamps are optional use public $timestamps = false;
in Model to disable timestamp.
and updated_at
is very useful when there's multiple roles in your system. In my project i have multiple roles so i have added columns like updated_by
and created_by
with laravel's created_at
and updated_at
i can find on which date and time it's created OR updated and by my columns created_at
and updated_at
i can find out which user created record
and which user updated
Also laravel timestamp automatically update
the record column at the time of update so you don't need to worry about it to write code for change the update_at
column in table.
So basically for tracing
the timestamp
is very useful in your project.
If you don't need it in every table then you can simply avoid it using below line in you model.
public $timestamps = false;