
I'm learning Windowing & Triggering concepts in Apache with the intention to:

  • reads for unbounded sources (PubSub)
  • write the incoming message to localhost disk every 5 sec FIXED Window interval

ISSUE: no output getting written to localhost disk (the pipeline did create a beam-team- folder and wrote some files in there but no output.csv in intended destination getting written every 5 sec.)

  • running apache-beam==2.9.0, Python 2.7.10
  • Tried both: DirectRunner, as well as DataFlowRunner (with GCS Bucket as destination)

Here's the code (thanks a lot in advance for any advice):

p = beam.Pipeline(runner=None, options=options, argv=None)

#1) Read incoming messages & apply Windowing
lines = p | "read_sub" >> beam.io.gcp.pubsub.ReadFromPubSub(topic=None, subscription=SUBSCRIBER, with_attributes=True) \

#2) Apply 5 sec Windowing
          | 'window' >> beam.WindowInto(beam.window.FixedWindows(5))

#3) apply Map() ops
output = lines | "pardo" >> beam.Map(lambda x: x.data)

#4) write out to localhost disk

output | beam.io.WriteToText('output', file_name_suffix='.csv', header='time, colname1, colname2')


thanks a lot in advance for any advice!


When running with the direct runner, can you check the output in the console? Is there any relevant information there? Any errors?Anton
no, nothing. only the deprecation warning: /Applications/py_venvs/dataflow_py2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/apache_beam/runners/direct/direct_runner.py:365: BeamDeprecationWarning: options is deprecated since First stable release. References to <pipeline>.options will not be supportedVibhor Jain
Have you checked that there are no sharded files? something like output-0000-of-0010.csv ?Pablo
I checked already.. DIrectRunner only created a beam-temp-* directory where expected output files are dumped (temporarily?!).. but nothing gets output in expected output directory (python pipeline.py --runner DirectRunner --input input.csv --output output --streaming)Vibhor Jain
similar behaviour for Dataflow Runner as well, except for: it outputs sharded files but still in beam-temp-* directory.. nothing output in gs:// bucket location I passed as argument to beam.io.WriteToText()Vibhor Jain

1 Answers


You are reading from unbounded source and trying to write to a bounded source. While Beam API for Java supports it using withWindowedWrites method, but its not supported in Python yet, which is a long awaited useful feature. So you need to either switch to java or write it to BigQuery.