So, i'm facing this seems-to-be-classic-problem, extract timeframed toppers for unbounded stream,
using Apache Beam (Flink as the engine):
Assuming sites+hits tuples input:
{"", 1001}, {"", 21}, {"", 1002}, {"", 3001}, {"", 22} ....
(Expected rate: +100K entries per hour)
Goal is to output sites which are >1% of total hits, in each 1 hour timeframe.
i.e. for 1 hour fix window, pick the site that sums >1% hits out total hits.
So first, sum by key:
{"", 2003}, {"", 43}, {"", 3001} ....
And finally output the >1%:
{""}, {""}
1) Group + parDo:
Fixed time windowing 1 hour, group all elements, following by iterable parDo for all window elements,
calculate sum and output the >1% sites.
Cons seems to be all agg process done single thread and also seems require double iterations to get the sum and get >1%.
2) GroupByKey + Combine
Fixed time windowing 1 hour, GrouByKey using key=Site, applying Combine with custom accumulator to sum hits per key.
Although the Combine option(#2) seems more suitable,
i'm missing the part of getting in the sum-per-1-hour-window, needed to calculate the >%1 elements:
Can same window be used for 2 combines: one per key and one total hits sum in this window?
and what is the best approach to combine them both to make the >1% call per element?