My ORM (LightSpeed) generates this for Animals table, with Name and Age. Using MVC3 and Razor
[System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("LightSpeedModelGenerator", "")]
[Table(IdColumnName="AnimalID", IdentityMethod=IdentityMethod.IdentityColumn)]
public partial class Animal : Entity<int>
[ValidateLength(0, 50)]
private string _name;
[ValidateComparison(ComparisonOperator.GreaterThan, 0)]
private int _age;
public const string NameField = "Name";
public const string AgeField = "Age";
[Required] // ****I put this in manually to get Name required working
public string Name
get { return Get(ref _name, "Name"); }
set { Set(ref _name, value, "Name"); }
public int Age
get { return Get(ref _age, "Age"); }
set { Set(ref _age, value, "Age"); }
With [Required] attribute added:
With no [Required] attribute added: (notice LightSpeed strange rendering of validation)
With name filled in:
In images above - the validation at the top is LightSpeed (put into ValidationSummary) and at the side is MVC3 (put into ValidationMessageFor)
Am only using Server Side validation currently.
Question: How do I get LightSpeed validation working well in MVC3?
I think it is something in this area
For the server side validation - you will want to use a custom model binder which emits the errors from LightSpeed validation more precisely rather than the leveraging the DefaultModelBinder behavior. Have a look at either directly using or adapting the EntityModelBinder from the community code library for Mvc