For COMBOBOX please use the following structure where block (A) has proper default value.
"uiWidget": "COMBOBOX",
"id": "7",
"name": "Order Type",
"key": "pl.export.label.orderType",
"defaultValue": "DEFAULT", // ------- (A)
"width": "250",
"isEnabled": "true",
"item": [
"key": "00",
"value": "DEFAULT"
"key": "01",
"value": "WILL CALL PICK UP"
corresponding COMBOBOX html code
In this case it will update the defaultValue attribute of the "uiItems"
All code of app.component.html
<form #addPartDialogForm="ngForm" autocomplete="off">
<div *ngFor="let arrays of buildUI">
<div *ngFor="let uiItems of arrays.field; let index = index">
<div *ngIf="uiItems.uiWidget === 'TEXTINPUT'">
<span class="ui-inputgroup-addon"> {{}}</span>
<input [name]="" [(ngModel)]="arrays.field[index].defaultValue"
[type]="uiItems.type" pInputText>
<pre style="color:red;">{{arrays.field[index] | json}}</pre>
<div *ngIf="uiItems.uiWidget === 'COMBOBOX'">
<span class="ui-inputgroup-addon"> {{}}</span>
<p-autoComplete #dropdownValue [inputId]=""
<pre style="color:red;">{{arrays.field[index] | json}}</pre>
<div *ngIf="uiItems.uiWidget === 'CHECKBOX'">
<span class="ui-inputgroup-addon"> {{}}</span>
<p-checkbox #checckbox
[(ngModel)]= "uiItems.defaultValue"
please check the inline screenshot.