Hello comunity I need some help with Angular and Primeng components, the scenario is the next.
I have a model:
export class Properties {
public IdFittingConnector: number;
public IdProperty: number;
public IdGroup: number;
public OrderAparitionNumber: number;
public OrderCodePos: number;
public ConnectorDescription: string;
public PropertyDescription;
public Values: FittingPropertiesValues[];
public Disabled: boolean;
public SelectedData: FittingPropertiesValues;
This model is stored in an array so foreach item in the array I create an select/dropdown
<div *ngFor="let item of arrFittingsCombos; let i = index">
<p-dropdown [(disabled)]="item.Disabled" [options]="item.Values" optionLabel="IrredutibleFractionValue" [(ngModel)]="item.SelectedData" [showClear]="true" (onChange)="OnFittingComboChange($event)" placeholder="Select Item" [style]="{'width':'100%'}"></p-dropdown>
Like you can see guys, in the model I have a prop that store the dropdown values called "Values" and on the same model I store the selected option on the prop called "SeloectedData".
Now the big deal is the next.
I have a couple of validations and the problem is that I have two dropdowns but if the second value is > the first drop value I need to reset the second dropdown. I show you the logic code...
if (selectedOption.IdProperty == 5) {
let diam: number = this.arrFittingsCombos.filter(x => x.IdProperty == 1)[0].SelectedData.NumberValue;
if (selectedOption.NumberValue > diam) {
alert("Seleccion invalida, la selección es mayor que el primer diametro");
this.arrFittingsCombos.filter(x => x.IdProperty == 5)[0].SelectedData = null;
this.searchBtnDisabled = true;
Like you can see I'm resetting the [(ngModel)] and in effect it does but in the dropdown the showed label still exist. What I'm doing wrong? If the first time the validations are ok First DropDown Value < Second DropDown Value and after that I change the second dropdown value to > first DropDown value the behavior is the desired one but after that the showed label never reset anymore.
Thanks a lot for you time and I hope you can give me a bit of light.