I'm trying to create an interface with Mapbox that zooms to the polygon the user clicks on using this function while also updating a dropdown menu value in an non-map div.
When the user clicks on a polygon/town in the map, it will zoom to that correct feature by using this map.on('click...)
map.on('click', 'Map Layer', function (e) {
townnames = e.features[0].properties.Object_Name;
townlat = e.features[0].properties.Object_latitude;
townlong = e.features[0].properties.Object_longitude;
map.setFilter('LayerFiltered', ['==', 'TOWN_NAME', Object_Name]);
map.setFilter('LayerClicked', ['!=', 'TOWN_NAME', Object_Name]);
map.setLayoutProperty('LayerFiltered', 'visibility', 'visible');
center: [
townlong, townlat],
zoom : 11.5
However I'm trying to trigger the same function using the dropdown menu.
I've figured out how to filter the layer using the inner HTML value from options in the dropdown menu, and setting them equal to the "Object_Name" in setFilter. But is there any way to return other properties from the geojson associated with a feature based on one of its properties like "TOWN_NAME"?
In other words can I use a variable from the dropdown menu so instead of returning e.features[0].properties.Object_longitude
when a user clicks on a feature, when they click on its associated value in the dropdown menu it will return something to the effect of-"features.TOWN_NAME=DROPDOWN_VALUE_NAME".properties.Object_longitude"
I apologize if this is unclear.