
I have two service url like WFS and WMS below:



I want those two services need to add as layer in my openlayers map. Is it possible and how?

Updated code with sample data:

myFunction(layerUrl:string, layer: any) {
        var bbox = layer.BoundingBox[0].extent;
        var crs = layer.BoundingBox[0].crs;

        var wmsSource = new ol.source.TileWMS({
            url: `${layerUrl}`,
            params: {'LAYERS': `${layer.Name}`, 'TILED': true},
            serverType: 'geoserver',
            projection: `${crs}`,
            // Countries have transparency, so do not fade tiles:
            transition: 0

        var wmsLayer = new ol.layer.Tile({
            extent: bbox,
            source: wmsSource



Layer url here: https://wms.geo.admin.ch/

Here is layer object:

Abstract: "Als Kulturgüter von nationaler Bedeutung im Inventar von 2009 gelten rund 3200 Objekte (Einzelbauten / Sammlungen in Museeen, Archiven und Bibliotheken sowie Archäologie)."
Attribution: {Title: "Das Geoportal des Bundes", OnlineResource: "http://www.geo.admin.ch/", LogoURL: {…}}
BoundingBox: [{…}]
CRS: (14) ["epsg:2056", "epsg:21781", "epsg:4326", "epsg:3857", "epsg:3034", "epsg:3035", "epsg:4258", "epsg:31287", "epsg:25832", "epsg:25833", "epsg:31467", "epsg:32632", "epsg:32633", "epsg:900913"]
Dimension: undefined
EX_GeographicBoundingBox: (4) [0.659965, 45.4183, 10.8344, 48.7495]
Layer: (2) [{…}, {…}]
MaxScaleDenominator: undefined
MinScaleDenominator: undefined
Name: "ch.babs.kulturgueter"
Style: [{…}]
Title: "KGS Inventar"
cascaded: undefined
fixedHeight: undefined
fixedWidth: undefined
noSubsets: false
opaque: false
queryable: false
__proto__: Object
Try using that example if you found any problem show us what you did we will help youAtanu
@Atanu in your given wms example extent is hard code, how to use dynamic one?user10496245
Hi @Atanu thanks for your quick reply. From this service url ahocevar.com/geoserver/wms I am getting list of layers and now I want to show some layers from the list not all. Suppose that one layer, can you provide some sample code by which I can add that specific layer into openlayers map?user10496245

1 Answers


Sorry for late reply, but i use this code in my project with custom settings and this provide me a valid output. Code is as follows [ please change static ip with your variable ]

var wmsSource = new ol.source.TileWMS({
     url: 'https://wms.geo.admin.ch/',
     params: {'LAYERS': 'ch.babs.kulturgueter','TILED': true},
     serverType: 'geoserver',
     projection: 'EPSG:4326',
     transition: 0

var wmsLayer = new ol.layer.Tile({
    source: wmsSource


And the output is as follows: [ working just fine ]

enter image description here