
I have a really weird problem with Openlayers and IE11: I try to get a layer from a WMS server but Openlayers/IE11 doesn't perform any GET request to get the map image (Chrome and Firefox do). I captured the network traffic with the IE11 F12 Developer tool and the request to the WMS server appears anulled. The funny thing is that if I type the requested URL in the browser (not using the WMS layer with OpenLayers), I get the image... Any help?


WMS URL returned by Openlayers: (it works in the browser, the map image is returned in IE11):


Openlayers code (it doesn't get the image in IE11):

 new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS("PNOA", "http://www.idee.es/wms/PNOA/PNOA", {

     }, {
         isBaseLayer: true
Really strange. No error at all in dev console?John Powell
Any error. The only error I found is that the GET request is avoided by the browser...ignatius

1 Answers


I have discovered what the problem was: I had my apache server configured to work on port 8081, for some reason it seams that IE11 doesn't work properly requesting external resources from a different port than 80. I've changed apache's port to 80 and everything works porperly. :)