Plugin has to overwrite the search template in Theme but it does not. It contains following files: PrOlgaStartup/PrOlgaStartup.php
namespace PrOlgaStartup;
use Shopware\Components\Plugin;
class PrOlgaStartup extends Plugin
public static function getSubscribedEvents()
return [
'Enlight_Controller_Action_PostDispatchSecure_Frontend' => 'extendsFrontend'
public function extendsFrontend(\Enlight_Controller_ActionEventArgs $args)
/** @var \Enlight_Controller_Action $controller */
// Breadrcrumbs must dissapear
$subject = $args->getSubject();
$subject->View()->addTemplateDir(__DIR__ . '/Resources/views');
{extends file="parent:frontend/index/search.tpl"}
{block name="frontend_index_search_container"}
Hello World!
Some Notes
- Tested in vagrant and bitnami
- Theme is extended by
protected $injectBeforePlugins = true;
- Theme does not contain custom search.tpl
- Cache has been cleared
- This solution does not work as well
Thank you very much in advance!!! :-)