
I am currently trying to overwrite a javascript file from an existing plugin.

I've been following the documentation but I am struggling with the path for the JS class to overwrite.

In the docs is an example code:

import CookiePermissionPlugin from 'src/plugin/cookie/cookie-permission.plugin';

export default class MyCookiePermission extends CookiePermissionPlugin {

So I implemented the following code:

import QuantityField from 'src/plugin/FilterRangeSlider/filter-range-slider.plugin';

export default class ExampleQuantityField extends QuantityField {

This code does not work for me, since the original file is in the vendor directory and my plugin is in the custom directory. When trying to compile (eg bin/build-storefront.sh) I receive the following error message:

Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'src/plugin/FilterRangeSlider/filter-range-slider.plugin' in '<project root>/custom/plugins/ExampleProductFilter/src/Resources/app/storefront/src/filter-range-slider'

Any idea how I can import that class as stated in the docs?

In your example you paste code from the CookiePermissionPlugin - In your Error message it's the FilterRangeSlider from within the plugin. Please show the exact code which you have and not what's written within the docs.Christopher Dosin
@ChristopherDosin MweisIMI edited the question. I guess it would work to import from ../../../../(no clue how many times)/../vendor/store.shopware.com/..... but is that a clean solution?Alex