I'm trying to implement the register file in an ARM CPU in verilog. I'm very new to verilog so I had trouble.
I want to make the register file save in it's 15th register the value PC+8 and in register number 0 the value 0 in the beginning, so that the register file is able to give PC+8 as output when it's input for one of the read-register is 15 and so on.
Currently, I've written the code like this
reg[31:0] register[15:0];
register[15] = register15;//register15 is the input holding PC+8 as it's value
register[0] = 32'h00000000;
always @(posedge clk)
outreg1 <= register[A1];// outreg1,2 are outputs (values of register A1, A2)
outreg2 <= register[A2];
However, I want to make it all happen in posedge of clk, when 'register-read' happens. But if I do that, would I have to make all the statements in always @(posedge clk) a blocking assignment '='to make it go in order and assign 15 and 0 first?
My understanding of blocking and unblocking assignments aren't very clear so I am not sure if that would work or not.