
I stumpled a few times about some code which seems to be perfectly normal verilog-style but looks rather dangerous to me (I'm new to Verilog). It's always about concurrent always-blocks and/or assignments. Here is an example:

module some(input clk_i);

    module ram(
          input   wire                a_clk,
          input   wire                a_wr,
          input   wire    [ADDR-1:0]  a_addr,
          input   wire    [DATA-1:0]  a_din,
          output  reg     [DATA-1:0]  a_dout,

    reg [DATA-1:0] mem [(2**ADDR)-1:0];

    always @(posedge a_clk) begin
          a_dout      <= mem[a_addr];
          if(a_wr) begin
              a_dout      <= a_din;
              mem[a_addr] <= a_din;


reg wrmem=1'b0;
reg[ADDR-1:0] memaddr;
reg[DATA-1:0] d_in;

ram mem(.a_clk(clk_i),.a_wr(wrmem),.a_addr(memaddr),.a_din(d_in),.a_dout(memout));


always @(posedge clk_i) begin
    wrmem <= 1'b0;
        if(..) begin
            d_in <= sth.
            memaddr <= some address
            wrmem <= 1b'1;


So here we have two concurrent always-blocks. The first (in module "ram") reacts to a clock and 'reg a_wr' being high. In the second one this 'reg' is set to 0 and a few steps later to 1 again. Why does this not lead to arbitrary behaviour of the module "ram" (since the first block doesnt wait until the seconde one finishes)?

In the second one this 'reg' is set to 0 and a few steps later to 1 again - where? I see two different names wrmem and wrem. Anyway, looks like duplicate of stackoverflow.com/questions/15718192/…Eugene Sh.
Sorry just a typouser2224350

1 Answers


This exactly the reason for non-blocking assignments do exist in verilog.

Verilog scheduling consist of several buckets per delta cycle. Roughly non-blocking assignments are executed in a separate scheduling bucket after blocking assignments.

So, in your case you have 2 things:

always @(posedge clk) 
    if (wreg)


always @(posedge clk)
    wreg <= 0;

in simulation the first block will use the value of 'wreg' as it existed before the non-blocking bucket is executed, probably 1.

the second block will schedule the update of the wreg to 0 in the non-blocking bucket, not executed yet. So, there is no conflict.

Therefore you are guaranteed to have consistent results during the simulation.