I'm using RxCoCoa and RxSwift for UITableView Biding. the problem is when Connection lost or other connection errors except for Server Errors(I handled them) my app crash because of binding error that mentioned below. my question is how to handle Connection Errors?
fileprivate func getNextState() {
viewModel.getProductListByID(orderGroup: OrderGroup.SERVICES.rawValue)
.do(onError: {
showStatusError(error: $0)
.filter {
$0.products != nil
.map {
.bind(to: (self.tableView?.rx.items(cellIdentifier: cellIdentifier, cellType: ProductCell.self))!) {
(row, element, cell) in
cell.product = element
.disposed(by: bag)
self.tableView?.rx.setDelegate(self).disposed(by: bag)
and this is my ViewModel :
func getProductListByID(orderGroup: String, page: String = "1", limit: String = "1000") -> Observable<ProductRes> {
return orderRegApiClient.getProductsById(query: getProductQueryDic(stateKey: getNextStateID(product: nextProduct)
, type: orderGroup, page: page, limit: limit)).map {
try JSONDecoder().decode(ProductRes.self, from: $0.data)
and I use Moya for my Network layer like This:
func getProductsById(query: [String: String]) -> Single<Response> {
return provider.rx.request(.getProductsById(query))