I am currently using Moya to make my network requests. I have implemented the following from one of the example projects @ https://github.com/DroidsOnRoids/RxSwiftExamples#tutorials
Below I have set up restaurantSearch so that when someone enters text it makes a new request.
var restaurantSearch: Observable<(String)> {
return searchBar
.throttle(0.5, scheduler: MainScheduler.instance)
I have a method that returns an observable of type [Restaurant]
func restaurants() -> Observable<[Restaurant]> {
return restaurantSearch
.flatMapLatest { postcode -> Observable<[Restaurant]?> in
return self.getRestaurants(postcode, cuisine: "", restaurantName: "")
internal func getRestaurants(postcode: String, cuisine: String, restaurantName: String) -> Observable<[Restaurant]?> {
return self.justEatProvider
.request(.Restaurant(postcode, cuisine, restaurantName))
.mapArrayOptional(Restaurant.self, keyPath: "Restaurants")
I am calling this method and binding it to a tableView like so:
func setupRx() {
api = JustEatApi(provider: provider, restaurantSearch: restaurantSearch)
.bindTo(tableView.rx_itemsWithCellIdentifier("RestaurantTableViewCell", cellType: RestaurantTableViewCell.self)) { (row, element, cell) in
cell.restaurant = element
This is working fine. If I enter a postcode it does the search and the tableView is populated.
If I turn off the internet and try and change the postcode the tableView remains as is. However when I scroll it crashes my app with the following:
@noreturn func rxFatalError(lastMessage: String) {
// The temptation to comment this line is great, but please don't, it's for your own good. The choice is yours.
Also if I don't scroll but instead just turn back on the internet and change the postcode nothing happens. It seems like it has lost it's binding.
Firstly I tried adding catchOnError before the bindTo
method call but I read here in comment that it shouldn't be handled as part of UIBinding: http://blog.scottlogic.com/2014/05/11/reactivecocoa-tableview-binding.html
I am guessing I should handle it in the method:
func restaurants() -> Observable<[Restaurant]> {
return restaurantSearch
.flatMapLatest { postcode -> Observable<[Restaurant]?> in
return self.getRestaurants(postcode, cuisine: "", restaurantName: "")
So I have 2 questions:
1) Where and how should I handle a network error?
2) Why does the tableView not update after I turn back on the internet?
Any help much appreciated.