I am trying to configure an ovs bridge to connect to a controller. I notice that it sends the HELLO but does not complete the connection. I see the following:
ovs-ofctl show br-flowmon
OFPT_FEATURES_REPLY (xid=0x2): dpid:deadbeefdeadbeef
n_tables:254, n_buffers:0
actions: output enqueue set_vlan_vid set_vlan_pcp strip_vlan mod_dl_src mod_dl_dst mod_nw_src mod_nw_dst mod_nw_tos mod_tp_src mod_tp_dst
1(patch-flowmon1): addr:26:1f:db:26:99:4a
config: 0
state: 0
speed: 0 Mbps now, 0 Mbps max
LOCAL(br-flowmon): addr:56:ea:36:94:4b:4e
config: PORT_DOWN
state: LINK_DOWN
speed: 0 Mbps now, 0 Mbps max
OFPT_GET_CONFIG_REPLY (xid=0x4): frags=normal miss_send_len=0
I suspect that it does not complete the connection because the config state is PORT_DOWN. How can I "turn on" the port? Is there any other possible reason for this behavior?
(is there an ovs-vsctl or ovs-ofctl command to do this?)
Thank you