Populate a cell in SSRS report by testing value conditions from other column values
I have 3 columns (category, Month, Amount) in my dataset, with values similar to these below:
Category Month Amount
A Jan 20
A Feb 25
A Mar 10
R Jan 15
R Feb 50
R Mar 55
On the report I need:
Jan Feb Mar
A 20 25 10
R 15 50 55
I have tried placing this expression in each group row column, for example, in the "Feb" column it would be:
=IIF(Fields!Category.Value = "A" and Fields!Month.Value = "Feb", Fields!Amount.Value, 13)
Using IIF, which does not short-circuit, is not evaluating the conditions properly. The "Month" value being a string, it displays always the first row found for the conditions, in this case it would display value 20, instead of 25. If I change the "Month" value to int, it displays the false(13); How can I populate my cell correctly, using IIF or something other way?
Any help on this is deeply appreciated.
=SUM(IIF(Fields!Month.Value = "Feb", Fields!Amount.Value, 0))
. Not sure what 13 was for tho. – Hannover Fist