
Friends, I need to calculate the various costs on the basis of month and year. Hence i used column wise grouping. The thing is i am getting the total amount in each column and not the particular month's values. The values taken directly from stored procedure are correct. But something is missing out in the expression i guess. The expression goes like this: =Sum(IIf(Fields!statusfld.Value = "Booking",Fields!Booking.Value,nothing),"DataSet1")

Any sort of guidance is appreciated. Thank you guys.


Here are image of report format

enter image description hereenter image description here

Show your format of report and the columns you are grouping on ?Mahesh
i am a newbie. not able to post images. can u give me ur e mail id so i can forward it to u?Vindy
And also in place of Nothing use 0 in expression.Mahesh
i tried replacing nothing with 0, but thats not an issue i guessVindy
post it on the postimage.org and give me the URL i will update that in question and also make sure you explain what you wantMahesh

1 Answers


Ok so you want the total to be depend on the group of the month. That is total for each month, Atleast thats what I was understood. IF that's what you want then you are nearly there,Just make your expression scope to the groupname

  =Sum(IIf(Fields!statusfld.Value = "Booking",Fields!Booking.Value,nothing),"yourGroupname")

and that will give you the total for each column group.

Or you can try below approach --
To add totals for a column group In the tablix data region row group area, right-click a cell in the column group area for which you want totals, then point to Add Total, and click Before or After.
A new column outside the current group is added to the data region, and then a default total is added for each numeric field in the column.