Setup a state object for the entities you need. These would be who, what and when I guess?
It looks like you're already training Luis, so make sure you're also training it to pick up the entities from the utterances.
When Luis comes back with your new appointment intent, it will also have the entities it was able to extract. Save the found entities in your state objects. Now, as you go through your waterfall steps, check the state object first. If the you already have that entity skip the prompting. If you don't, proceed with the prompt.
Take a look at this sample on github. It's fairly complicated but shows what I am talking about. Specifically pay attention to the 'GetAllRequiredPropertiesAsync' method. That's where the samepl is doing what I first described.
You are 100% on the right track and this should get you where you want to go.
I'm editing to add some sample code.
In the code from github, the constructor declares two waterfall steps:
var waterfallSteps = new WaterfallStep[]
The method 'GetAllRequiredPropertiesAsync' is checking each piece of the required data to book a table. The method is really long so I'm going to only show a small, relevant bit of code.
After a bunch of setup this piece of code ultimately prompt the user for any pieces missing from the table reservation
var options = new PromptOptions()
Prompt = MessageFactory.Text(reservationResult.NewReservation.GetMissingPropertyReadOut()),
return await stepContext.PromptAsync(GetLocationDateTimePartySizePrompt, options);
Now, take a look at 'GetLocationDateTimePartySizePrompt'. This dialog is declared on the same page around line 53. It checks if the reservation is complete, if it isn't, it reads out what it already knows, then asks for the rest. This happens around like 101, then line 109 at this code snipped await promptValidatorContext.Context.SendActivityAsync(newReservation.GetMissingPropertyReadOut());
That method is declared here. This is really simple to understand. It gets called repeatedly until it returns empty string signifying that all properties have been filled in.
I hope this helps