
I've built a bot using LUIS framework which works fine. while working on it came through few points as mentioned below

  1. After connecting with LUIS intent; bot is unable to check with regex intents like

    for ex dialog.matches('^helpdesk/i',function()) which i'm trying to setup

var dialog = new builder.IntentDialog({ recognizers: [recognizer] });

  1. How to proactively send greetings message to user before inititates conversation like i would send prompt of choices to user which user can select. If nothing is fitting to that requirement i want LUIS to work and understand on that
  2. How to know the logged in user context in Skype for Business channel
  3. cards are not working in skype for business

2 Answers


For your code; I'm assuming your recognizer is your only IntentRecognizer and is the LUIS model you mention.

In this case, dialog.matches('^helpdesk/i',function()) is incorrect; your code to match against a regex should be dialog.matches(/^helpdesk/i, function())

Alternatively you could add a RegExpRecognizer to your IntentDialog:

var helpdesk = new builder.RegExpRecognizer('HelpDeskIntent', /^helpdesk/i);
var dialog = new builder.IntentDialog({ recognizers: [helpdesk, recognizer] });
  1. As Bob said you're looking for conversationUpdate, here's an example on it sending a message when a user joins

  2. To clarify, is this a question on having your bot know when a user is logged in? Or are you asking about session.userData?

  3. Skype for Business does not currently support cards.

  1. You can catch when the user is added to conversation. Check conversation.update.

  2. Each activity has its own properties. One of them is serviceUrl.

For the third question, please provide your code.