
I am trying to pass a hyperlink in SSRS to open a new SSRS report (in pdf) from a text box. It is currently set up and works passing a single parameter :

="http://servername/ReportServer_REPORTS16/Pages/ReportViewer.aspx?%2fdummy%2fDocuments%2fCertificate+of+Insurance+Issued&rs:Command=Render&PolicyNo=" & Parameters!PolicyNo.Value &"&rs:Format=PDF"

However when I add in the second parameter :

="http://servername/ReportServer_REPORTS16/Pages/ReportViewer.aspx?%2fdummy%2fDocuments%2fCertificate+of+Insurance+Issued&rs:Command=Render&PolicyNo=" & Parameters!PolicyNo.Value &"& Entitled="&Parameters!Entitled.Value &"&rs:Format=PDF"

I get an error message :

The ActionInfo.Action.Hyperlink expression for the text box ‘Textbox48’ contains an error: [BC30277] Type character '&' does not match declared data type 'Object'.

I've gone through every similar error I've found on google but cant work out where im going wrong.

It might be that there is a space inside your string between your ampersand and Entitled - &"& Entitled="& should be & "&Entitled="&. It's trying to resolve the link up to the space.Hannover Fist

1 Answers


You need to convert all your values to strings then use the + operator....

Here'a an exmaple from one of my reports that does the same thing.

=IIF(Fields!PackSizeDesc.Value = Nothing, Nothing, 
 + "&CountryID=" + cStr(Fields!CountryID.Value)
 + "&CategoryID=" + cStr(Fields!CategoryID.Value)
 + "&RecordedPeriodID=" + cStr(Parameters!PeriodID.Value)
 + "&TMB=" + cStr(Fields!TrademarkBrandID.Value)
 + "&PriceStage=" + cStr(IIF(Fields!IsActualprice.Value = 1, 10, 11))
 + "&pm=" + cStr(Fields!PackMaterialID.Value)
 + "&pt=" + cStr(Fields!PackTypeID.Value)
 + "&ps=" + cStr(Fields!PackSizeID.Value)
 + "&psu=" + cStr(Fields!PackSizeUnitID.Value)
 + "&upp=" + cStr(Fields!UnitsPerPack.Value)
 + "&rc:Parameters=Collapsed")

Note: The first line just disables the link if there is now value in a particular column. This does not render to PDF but that's not part of your issue.