
I'm trying to get SSRS repoert as html to open it on mobile device. I've added the relevant credentials to the HttpWebRequest object and success to get the result if I use the following patten URL:


This format gives me a lot of text but not the pure html that I need, so I've added parameter that clean the report file I got exacly what I need from browser but when I'm trying to get it from c# code i got 401 error.

the parameter is:


As following:


I check this code from hte server himself with the administrator credentials but nothing works from code with this parameter.

Thanks! Naftali.


1 Answers


I've found solution to the different between the browser and the code credentials. Using default network credentials gave me the same credentials as browser client:

request.Credentials = System.Net.CredentialCache.DefaultNetworkCredentials;

instead of:

request.Credentials = request.Credentials = new NetworkCredential("user", "password");

apparently using the credentials stracture gives more needed data.

Thanks, Naftali.