
I'm trying to run diagnostics for normality in a 2^4 factorial problem with two replicates. Here is my code:

n = 2

A <- factor(c(rep("-", 1*n), rep("+", 1*n)))
B <- factor(c(rep("-", 2*n), rep("+", 2*n)))
C <- factor(c(rep("-", 4*n), rep("+", 4*n)))
D <- factor(c(rep("-", 8*n), rep("+", 8*n)))

obs <- c(90, 93,
         74, 78,
         81, 85,
         83, 80,
         77, 78,
         81, 80,
         88, 82,
         73, 70,
         98, 95,
         72, 76,
         87, 83,
         85, 86,
         99, 90,
         79, 75,
         87, 84,
         80, 80)

df <- data.frame(A, B, C, D, obs)

model <- aov(obs ~ A*B*C*D, data = df)



qqnorm(resid(model), ylab = "Residuals", xlab = "Quantiles", pch = 16)

plot(resid(model) ~ fitted(model), ylab = "Residual", xlab = "Predicted",            pch = 16)

The ANOVA table is giving me the correct values, but when I analyze the normality conditions using a Normal Q-Q plot, it incorrectly gives me symmetric residuals. I have noticed that I only run into this issue when I am analyzing four or more interactions. All the residual plots for three interaction or less has the correct expected output with the same code.

Any help would be greatly appreciated

Why do you think the residuals should not be symmetric?IRTFM

1 Answers


I'm unclear why you think the residuals in the saturated model should not be "symmetric" you can look at them directly with:

> print( sort(model$residuals),  digits=4)
        26         14          5         19         22         28 
-4.500e+00 -3.000e+00 -2.000e+00 -2.000e+00 -2.000e+00 -2.000e+00 
         3          1         16         18         30          8 
-2.000e+00 -1.500e+00 -1.500e+00 -1.500e+00 -1.500e+00 -1.500e+00 
        23         12          9         31         32         10 
-5.000e-01 -5.000e-01 -5.000e-01  6.947e-17  6.947e-17  5.000e-01 
        11         24          7         29         15         17 
 5.000e-01  5.000e-01  1.500e+00  1.500e+00  1.500e+00  1.500e+00 
         2         20         21         27          4          6 
 1.500e+00  2.000e+00  2.000e+00  2.000e+00  2.000e+00  2.000e+00 
        13         25 
 3.000e+00  4.500e+00 

They look pretty symmetric in the sense of having paired values on either side of the median. Another way to display numeric values might be:

table( abs(sort(model$residuals)) )

6.9468775251052e-17   0.499999999999995   0.499999999999998 
                  2                   2                   1 
  0.499999999999999                 0.5   0.500000000000002 
                  1                   1                   1 
   1.49999999999999                 1.5    1.50000000000006 
                  2                   6                   2 
                  2                   3                 4.5 
                 10                   2                   2