I would like to prove the following lemma in Isabelle:
lemma "T (Open # xs) ⟹ ¬ S (Open # xs) ⟹ count xs Close ≤ count xs Open"
Please find the definitions below:
datatype paren = Open | Close
inductive S where
S_empty: "S []" |
S_append: "S xs ⟹ S ys ⟹ S (xs @ ys)" |
S_paren: "S xs ⟹ S (Open # xs @ [Close])"
inductive T where
T_S: "T []" |
T_append: "T xs ⟹ T ys ⟹ T (xs @ ys)" |
T_paren: "T xs ⟹ T (Open # xs @ [Close])" |
T_left: "T xs ⟹ T (Open # xs)"
The lemma states that an unbalanced parentheses structure would result in a possibly unbalanced structure when removing an Open
I've been trying the techniques that are described in the book "A proof-assistant for Higher-order logic", but so far none of them work. In particular, I tried to use rule inversion and rule induction, sledgehammer
and other techniques.
One of the problems is that I haven't yet learned about Isar proofs, which thus complicates the proof. I would prefer if you can orient me with plain apply commands.