I have a legacy (old) Access database that tracks work in progress information. Currently the end-user creates a quote in Excel. If the quote can't be completed, the end-user has to copy/paste/manually enter the info from the spreadsheet into this Access database.
There is a Start Date, a Stop Date, and a Turn-Around-Time calculated field in Access. The Turn-Around-Time is the Stop Date minus the Start Date. I'm trying to automate the process, so if the spreadsheet cannot be completed, they can click a button to automatically update the Access database with the information that was entered, saving the manual work.
When I attempt to run the code, I get a generic:
"Syntax error in INSERT INTO statement".
Here is the code:
gblDatabaseLocation = "c:\UnderRevision\"
gblDatabaseName = "DLA WIP.accdb"
Dim CN As ADODB.Connection
Set CN = New ADODB.Connection
Dim sql As String
CN.Open "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source= " & gblDatabaseLocation & gblDatabaseName
Set cm = New ADODB.Command
cm.ActiveConnection = CN
' load variables... from spreadsheet...
wID = "" ' will be autopopulated...
wReady = False ' default is N
wStatus = "OPEN" ' they want to select it manually
wInDate = Worksheets("SOLICITATION SUPPORT").Range("D6").value
wOutDate = "12/31/2019" ' blank for now...
wProgram = Worksheets("SOLICITATION SUPPORT").Range("D10").value
wBidPoint = Worksheets("SOLICITATION SUPPORT").Range("D18").value
wOwner = Worksheets("SOLICITATION SUPPORT").Range("D4").value
wPartNum = Worksheets("SOLICITATION SUPPORT").Range("D14").value
wQty = Worksheets("SOLICITATION SUPPORT").Range("D15").value
wSolicitation = Worksheets("SOLICITATION SUPPORT").Range("D11").value
wPRNUM = Worksheets("SOLICITATION SUPPORT").Range("D12").value
wNSN = Worksheets("SOLICITATION SUPPORT").Range("D13").value
wPending = "" ' want to choose it
wMultiPend = True ' want to choose it
wEstDollars = Worksheets("SOLICITATION SUPPORT").Range("AA6").value
wSupplier = "<SUPPLIER>" ' should read this in...
wSoleSource = "<SOLESOURCE>" ' varies based on solicitation
wFOB = Worksheets("SOLICITATION SUPPORT").Range("W10").value
wInspection = Worksheets("SOLICITATION SUPPORT").Range("W11").value
wMilStd130 = Worksheets("SOLICITATION SUPPORT").Range("N10").value
wShelfLife = "30" ' select later
wTime = "10" ' input later - shelf life called out in SOL
wTraceability = "Y" ' if approved = Y, pending = X
wSource = "<SOURCE>" ' from SOL
wSupplierPartNum = "<SUPPLIERPARTNUM>" ' from SOL
wIAW = "<IAW>" ' select later
w50US = Worksheets("SOLICITATION SUPPORT").Range("N17").value
wISO = Worksheets("SOLICITATION SUPPORT").Range("N24").value
wJCP = Worksheets("SOLICITATION SUPPORT").Range("N25").value
wInspAtMFG = Worksheets("SOLICITATION SUPPORT").Range("N14").value
wQPL_QML = Worksheets("SOLICITATION SUPPORT").Range("N15").value
wFat = Worksheets("SOLICITATION SUPPORT").Range("N12").value
wMfgSymbol = Worksheets("SOLICITATION SUPPORT").Range("N11").value
wSBSA = Worksheets("SOLICITATION SUPPORT").Range("N22").value
wCOQC = Worksheets("SOLICITATION SUPPORT").Range("N16").value
wNotes = Worksheets("SOLICITATION SUPPORT").Range("A31").value
wPKey = "" ' pull in later
wQuoted = True
wTat = DateDiff("D", wInDate, wOutDate)
wNotNotified = "<NOT NOTIFIED>"
' create sql string...
sql = "INSERT INTO WIP ( Ready, Status, [In Date], [Out Date], Program, [Bid Point], Owner, [Part #], Qty, Solicitation, [PR #], " _
& "NSN, Pending, [Multi-Pend], [Est $], Supplier, [Sole Source], FOB, Inspection, MilStd130, [Shelf Life], Time, Traceability, Source, " _
& "[Supplier Part #], IAW, [50% US], ISO, JCP, [Insp@Mfg], [QPL-QML], Fat, [Mfg Symbol], SBSA, COQC, Notes, PKEY, Quoted, tat, " _
& "[Not Notified By PCF]) VALUES " _
& "('" & wReady & "','" & wStatus & "',#" & wInDate & "#,#" & wOutDate & "#,'" & wProgram & "','" & wBidPoint & "','" _
& wOwner & "','" & wPartNum & "','" & wQty & "','" & wSOlication & "','" & wPRNUM & "','" & wNSN & "','" & wPending & "','" & wMultiPend & "'," _
& wEstDollars & ",'" & wSupplier & "','" & wSoleSource & "','" & wFOB & "','" & wInspection & "','" & wMilStd130 & "','" & wShelfLife & "','" _
& wTime & "','" & wTraceability & "','" & wSource & "','" & wSupplierPartNum & "','" & wIAW & "','" & w50US & "','" & wISO & "','" _
& wJCP & "','" & wInspAtMFG & "','" & wQPL_QML & "','" & wFat & "','" & wMfgSymbol & "','" & wSBSA & "','" & wCOQC & "','" & wNotes & "','" _
& wPKey & "','" & wQuoted & "'," & wTat & ",'" & wNotNotified & "')"
cm.CommandText = sql
Set rs1 = New ADODB.Recordset
Set rs1 = CN.Execute(sql, varparams, adCmdText)
Here is the SQL statement my code creates:
INSERT INTO WIP ( Ready, Status, [In Date], [Out Date], Program, [Bid Point], Owner, [Part #], Qty, Solicitation, [PR #], NSN, Pending, [Multi-Pend], [Est $], Supplier, [Sole Source], FOB, Inspection, MilStd130, [Shelf Life], Time, Traceability, Source, [Supplier Part #], IAW, [50% US], ISO, JCP, [Insp@Mfg], [QPL-QML], Fat, [Mfg Symbol], SBSA, COQC, Notes, PKEY, Quoted, tat, [Not Notified By PCF]) VALUES ('False','OPEN',#10/30/2018#,#12/31/2019#,'OSHKOSH','OSHKOSH','ALI ZERBE','1212FX','1','','','','','True',4,'<SUPPLIER>','<SOLESOURCE>','','','','30','10','Y','<SOURCE>','<SUPPLIERPARTNUM>','<IAW>','','','','','','','','','','','','True',427,'<NOT NOTIFIED>')
I've double checked the syntax, pretty sure I have single quotes around all the strings, #'s around the dates. I know that for the AutoNumbered ID field, I omit that from the list of fields, and the list of values.
But how is the Calculated Field referenced in the SQL? Do I omit it also, and let the database do the calculation? I cannot find any reference to this on the internet...
The bland error message isn't pointing me in any specific direction.
Help please?
also should be enclosed in square brackets. – Sergey S.