I'm trying to add a field into an existing table. The field is calculated using two variables 'myPrice', which is the price of a record at a certain date, and 'previousPrice', which is the price of the same part from the first record, only a from the month previous. I'm using a loop to iterate through the entire recordset of prices, thereby altering the two variables each time. My code is as follows:
Function priceDifference()
Dim currentPrice As Currency
Dim previousPrice As Currency
Dim recordDate As Date
Dim previousDate As Date
Dim dbsASSP As DAO.Database
Dim priceTable As DAO.TableDef
Dim diffFld As DAO.Field2
Dim rstCurrentPrice As DAO.Recordset
Dim rstPreviousPrice As DAO.Recordset
Dim PN As String
Set dbsASSP = CurrentDb
strSQL = "SELECT * FROM qryPrice"
Set rstCurrentPrice = dbsASSP.OpenRecordset(strSQL, dbOpenDynaset)
Set priceTable = dbsASSP.TableDefs("tblPrice")
Set diffFld = priceTable.CreateField("Difference", dbCurrency)
If Not (rstCurrentPrice.EOF) Then
Do Until rstCurrentPrice.EOF = True
PN = rstCurrentPrice![P/N]
recordDate = rstCurrentPrice![myDate]
previousDate = Format(DateAdd("m", -1, recordDate), "M 1 YYYY")
myPrice = rstCurrentPrice!Price
strPreviousSQL = "SELECT * FROM qryPrice WHERE [MyDate] = #" & previousDate & "# AND [Type] = 'Net Price' AND [P/N] = " & PN & ""
Set rstPreviousPrice = dbsASSP.OpenRecordset(strPreviousSQL, dbOpenDynaset)
myCodeName = rstCurrentPrice!CodeName
If DCount("[P/N]", "qryPrice", "[MyDate] = #" & previousDate & "# And [P/N] = " & PN) <> 0 Then
previousPrice = rstPreviousPrice!Price
previousPrice = myPrice
End If
MsgBox "Finished looping through records."
End If
diffFld.Expression = myPrice - previousPrice
priceTable.Fields.Append diffFld
End Function
Syntactically, it works. The calculated field, however, does not give me the correct values and I cannot figure out why, although I imagine it has something to do with the dynamic formula.
Any help is appreciated. Thanks!!