
We have a partitioned BigQuery table that's partitioned on a custom field (event_timestamp). This was due to needing to import historical data while still keeping things partitioned and query costs under control.

This means the table doesn't have a _PARTITIONTIME field, and we can't do queries WHERE _PARTITIONTIME IS NULL to view recently sent records sitting in the streaming buffer.

So is there a trick to being able to query the streaming buffer even if you're using a custom field for partitioning?

Edit We're using Standard SQL, not Legacy SQL, sorry for not being explicit about that previously.

can you say more about your goal when querying just for the data existing in the buffer?Felipe Hoffa
@FelipeHoffa Primarily it's to test/verify that functions are working as expected and writing/capturing the expected data. The delays with flushing make this lack of visibility a regular stumbling block. Typically when you don't get the results back you expect, you assume it's your code - in this case it's actually working, but things are hidden in the buffer.EyePulp

1 Answers


Even though querying tables with time partitioning field supports only via standard SQL, I believe Legacy SQL is still supported to query the streaming inserts into the table

select * from [<project-name>:<data-set>.<table>$__UNPARTITIONED__] 



Query Streaming Data Using --time_partitioning_field