
I have inserted 71 rows to day partitioned table. After streaming buffer workers processes there are only 48 rows in my table. I know that there are deduplication process, but the rows were different. I've tried to check how the rows look in streaming buffer and I've set condition to get results with _PARTITIONTIME set to NULL. I've got nothing.

I have no idea how is it working.

//Edit: I've inserted data using insertRows method from cloud-bigquery library. I'm selecting rows by using this query:

SELECT * FROM [table$20180216]
How did you insert your data and how are you querying it? You can add this info to your post by editing itVictorGGl
I've edited post and I've added this info to my postjcala97
As a side note, it's recommended to use standard SQL: SELECT * FROM table WHERE _PARTITIONDATE = "2018-02-16" You can enable standard SQL clicking on the Show Options in the UI. More information: cloud.google.com/bigquery/docs/reference/standard-sql/…Daria

1 Answers


If you set _PARTITIONTIME to NULL, it selects 0 partitions and therefore 0 rows. Try querying the partition you inserted rows into by setting _PARTITIONDATE = "2018-02-15" (or change to the date you need).