
I have created a React Native Project in windows system and able to launch the app on android device using react-native run-android. But when i edit the app.js file, the changes are not reflected in the mobile app. it always showing the below default text. Welcome to React Native! To get started, edit App.js Double tap R on your keyboard to reload,Shake or press menu button for dev menu. How to resolve the above issue.

If you close the app and run again react-native run-android did you see your changes ?oma
Some times it ma occur cache, but it accept its is a first step, But you need to do things 1. react-native start --reset-cacheMadhur

1 Answers


Maybe you need to enable hot reloading and live reloading from the developer menu, press CTRL+M on Windows, or Cmd+M on Mac while your focus is the virtual device. Details here