I have been working on creating a convolutional neural network from scratch, and am a little confused on how to treat kernel size for hidden convolutional layers. For example, say I have an MNIST
image as input (28 x 28)
and put it through the following layers.
Convolutional layer with kernel_size = (5,5) with 32 output channels
- new dimension of throughput = (32, 28, 28)
Max Pooling layer with pool_size (2,2) and step (2,2)
- new dimension of throughput = (32, 14, 14)
If I now want to create a second convolutional layer with kernel size = (5x5) and 64 output channels, how do I proceed? Does this mean that I only need two new filters (2 x 32 existing channels)
or does the kernel size change to be (32 x 5 x 5)
since there are already 32 input channels?
Since the initial input was a 2D image, I do not know how to conduct convolution for the hidden layer since the input is now 3 dimensional (32 x 14 x 14)