
I am using metafields editor to display some additional information in the Shopify store. I need help in displaying the output of the below product variant metafields in Shopify product page. What code do I need to add into the product.liquid file? Do I also need to have a JavaScript snippet?

Product description metafield for product variants:

namespace: variantdescription
key: Product Description
value: This is product description for variant A
value_type: string

Product delivery metafield for product variants:

namespace: variantdelivery
key: Delivery Time
value: This is delivery time for variant A
value_type: string


2 Answers


You can get the metafield value with this code:


The code that you have to use for product description will be something like this:

{%- if product.metafields.variantdescription.product_description != blank -%}

    {{ product.metafields.variantdescription.product_description }}

{%- endif -%}

It will be like this for the Delivery time:

{%- if product.metafields.variantdelivery.delivery_time != blank -%}

    {{ product.metafields.variantdelivery.delivery_time }}

{%- endif -%}

Here is the information about how to use metafields in liquid. https://help.shopify.com/en/themes/liquid/objects/metafield

JavaScript is not needed.


Get Description of current variant:

{% assign description = current_variant.metafields.variantdescription%}
{% assign key =  current_variant.sku  %}
{% assign description = description[key] %}

Likewise for product delivery