
I can post a number of metafields for an existing product if I do it one at a time:


{      "metafield":       


When I try to add multiple fields in the same post, I am getting an error:

  {      "metafields":[
            "value":"CHEMICAL BROTHERS",          

The error is:

"metafield": "Required parameter missing or invalid"

API has examples of posting one metafield only. Is there any way I can combine the metafields (need about 8) into a single POST request?

you have the mulitiple example showing as metafields with an S, so the required field metafield is missing.Matthew Darnell
Do you mean replacing metafields with metafield as the top name - this produces another error. Using it as a name inside the array errors as well - unexpected tokenNicolai Kant

1 Answers


Try making a PUT request like this one with the product:

PUT /admin/products/5040616004.json HTTP/1.1
Host: yourshop.myshopify.com
X-Shopify-Access-Token: 085abas8bd90325c3f81s8e9c88befc0
Content-Type: application/json

  "product": {
    "metafields": [{
      "namespace": "c_f",
      "key": "artist",
      "value": "CHEMICAL BROTHERS",
      "value_type": "string"
    }, {
      "namespace": "c_f",
      "key": "label",
      "value": "Virgin",
      "value_type": "string"