
I'm new to Prometheus but familiar with Influx (currently running 1.6).

My understanding is it's possible to configure Prometheus to remotely read data from influx with the following configuration in prometheus.yml:

  url: "http://localhost:8086/api/v1/prom/read?db=bulkstats"

"bulkstats" is the database I'm trying to read data from in Prometheus. An example query that would work in influx would be:

SELECT "sess-curaaaactive" FROM "PDSNSYSTEM1" WHERE ("Nodename" = 'ALPRGAGQPNC') AND time >= now() - 6h"

However I cannot find one example of how to query that data from PromQL. Please help!


1 Answers


Here is the link which matches prometheus format with influxdb's one.

In terms of prometheus's jargon, in your example, sess-curaaaactive is the metric name (measurement in influx) and ("Nodename" = 'ALPRGAGQPNC') is just a label which prometheus attaches to the measurement to create a time series.