I read and understood the concept of staleness involved with Prometheus 2.0 here
Within the exporter I'm developing, metrics are pushed by the remote devices as a gRPC stream so I create metrics on the fly using prometheus.NewMetricWithTimestamp and implement the Collector interface.
Whenever the remote device stops emitting metric(s), these are not exposed anymore in the Prom client HTTP endpoint. However, the default value for query.lookback-delta flag (5 min), makes Prometheus marking the metric as stale for 5 minutes. So when sending the PromQL query, we still see the last value scraped.
I did set the flag to 30s, so from a dashboard perspective, the end user doesn't have to wait 5 minutes to see the metrics disappearing.
Therefore, I would like to know whether 30s is reasonable value and if not what are the implications ?
Thanks in advance.