
Say I have this data:

eststo clear
sysuse auto2, clear

I perform a regression:

reg mpg price turn

I would like to use esttab's rename functionality to rename the variables. However, when I do:

esttab, rename("price" "(1,2)" "turn" "(3,5)")

the commas disappear.

And when I do:

esttab, rename("price" "Var1: (1,2)" "turn" "Var2: (3,5)")

I get an error message.

I have tried creating a local and using that in rename, but I get an error there too.

local a "(1,2)"
display "`a'"
esttab, rename("price" "`a'")

But this just reproduces the comma problem.

How can I fix these two problems (especially the first one)?

esttab is a community-contributed command.


1 Answers


It looks like that both , and : are used for internal parsing, so you are out of luck if you want to use the rename() option.

However, you can fix both problems by doing the following:

eststo clear
sysuse auto2, clear

label variable price "(1,2)"
label variable turn "(3,5)"

reg mpg price turn
esttab, label

                     Mileage (m~)   
(1,2)                   -0.000534** 

(3,5)                      -0.835***

Constant                    57.69***
Observations                   74   
t statistics in parentheses
* p<0.05, ** p<0.01, *** p<0.001


label variable price "Var1: (1,2)"
label variable turn "Var2: (3,5)"

reg mpg price turn
esttab, label

                     Mileage (m~)   
Var1: (1,2)             -0.000534** 

Var2: (3,5)                -0.835***

Constant                    57.69***
Observations                   74   
t statistics in parentheses
* p<0.05, ** p<0.01, *** p<0.001


The help file of estout confirms:

rename(matchlist) changes the names of individual coefficients, where
        matchlist is

            oldname newname [oldname newname ...]

        oldname can be a parameter name (e.g. price) or a full name including
        an equation specification (e.g. mean:price)...

The comma is probably used as a delimiter.