The Stata documentation for esttab
stats() disables r2(), ar2(), pr2(), aic(), bic(), scalars(), sfmt(), noobs, and obslast.
It's a bit unfortunate!
How can I show the R-Squared and also the result of the test in the following model? I'm using eststo
and esttab
to store and output the results. It seems I can either call esttab, stats(test)
and show the model estimates and the result of the test and the bottom, or call esttab, ar2
and show the R-Squared at the bottom, but can't combine the two.
Is there any workaround for this?
sysuse auto
eststo clear
eststo: quietly regress price weight mpg
quietly test (_cons=0) (_b[fs]=1)
estadd scalar test=r(p)
esttab, stats(test)
esttab, ar2