I just started learning RxJS. One thing I have tried to do without much luck is, figuring out how to search/filter a Subject, or create an observed array that I can search on.
I've tried piping and filtering a Subject and BehaviorSubject, but the values in the predicate are RxJS specific. From what I've read on various posts, the way is to observe an array to use a Subject.
I can easily have two variables, one array and the Subject, and search the array. But I'd like to accomplish this one variable.
In Knockout its possible to search an observed array.
Is this possible in RxJS?
Thanks in advance.
layers: Rx.Subject<any> = new Rx.Subject<any>();
toggleLayer (layerId, visible) {
//find layer we need to toggle
// How do I search the subject to get the values added in next()?
// tried from(this.layers), pipe does not fire
const source = of(this.layers);
const example = source.pipe(filter((val, index) => {
//val is subject, and only iterates once, even if more than one value in subject
// tslint:disable-next-line:no-debugger
return false;
const sub = example.subscribe((val) => {
// tslint:disable-next-line:no-debugger
private addLayer = (layerName, layerObj, layerType) => {
// component class is subscribed to layers subject. Update UI when layer is added
layerId: this.layerId,
name: `${layerName}_${this.layerId}`,
layerObj: layerObj,
visible: true,
layerType: layerType
subject$.map(data => data.filter(...))
– MotKohnfrom
RxJS function accepts an array as input and returns an Observable which emits once per each item contained in the array. So, if you really want to search/filter using an Observable starting from an array you can dofrom(myArray).pipe(filter(item => item.foo = 'bar'))
– Picci