
I am doing LDAP authentication for the user. Steps are - 1. when users enter his username on the login screen. 2. The request goes to the LDAP server and will try to validate the user against its corresponding group

filter :="(|(employeeNumber=deeps)(memberOf=CN=DEV_Admin,OU=LDAP,DC=TEMP,DC=com))"

This filter works fine and giving me the employee details of the relevant group.

Now the requirement changes -

When the user enters his employeeNumber =deeps

we have to validate him against different groups for example

  1. (memberOf=CN=DEV_Admin,OU=LDAP,DC=TEMP,DC=com)
  2. (memberOf=CN=DEV_View,OU=LDAP,DC=TEMP,DC=com)
  3. (memberOf=CN=DEV_Partial,OU=LDAP,DC=TEMP,DC=com)

Can anyone help me with writing a proper filter which checks against all those groups and gives me the user in one filter rather than writing three LDAP requests?

You should FIRST Authenticate the user with a proper bind. Then check to see of the user is Authorized for this particular application using filter as shown by Ludovic.jwilleke
@jwilleke yes the full code has all those steps in which am first checking for proper bind.Deepak

1 Answers


The filter seems incorrect to me as it tests if the employeeNumber is deeps OR if entries are in the Dev_Admin group. It seems to me that you want an AND, not an OR.

To check the 3 groups, it would be the following filter:
