
I am using activiti-ldap jar to achieve ldap in activiti. I am able to succeed with authentication but I am not able to perform authorization.

Code is using below filter to authenticate (It is giving result)


Code is using below filter to authorize (i.e search group based on authenticated user). The enunumeration is not giving any result


However when use the same group filter Softerra LDAP Browser, it is giving result.

NamingEnumeration< ? > namingEnum = initialDirContext.search(baseDn, searchExpression, createSearchControls());

while (namingEnum.hasMore()) {
System.out.println("Inside While");

I am sure, I am missing something. Can anyone point out my mistake?


1 Answers


I'm not sure if this answers your question, but something you have to be careful of when using a Distinguished name with Active Directory (I am assuming it is Active Directory because there is a sAMAccountName attribute) is comma's, or other special characters in the DN (an example would be cn=Harley, Gregory). Comma's and other special characters need to be escaped with a single backslash ("\"), Softerra may automatically escape these in the query string for you.

Like I said, it may not answer your question, but may give you an avenue to search.

Cheers, Greg