Any idea how to get a POD status via Kubernetes REST API for a POD with known name? I can do it via kubectl by just typing "kubectl get pods --all-namespaces" since the output lists STATUS as a separate column but not sure which REST API to use to get the STATUS of a running pod. Thank you
2 Answers
You can just query the API server:
curl -k -X GET -H "Authorization: Bearer [REDACTED]" \
If you want to get the status you can pipe them through something like jq
curl -k -X GET -H "Authorization: Bearer [REDACTED]" \ \
| jq '.items[] | + " " + .status.phase'
When not sure which REST API and the command is known, run the command as below with -v9 option. Note the kubectl supports only a subset of options in imperative way (get, delete, create etc), so it's better to get familiar with the REST API.
kubectl -v9 get pods
The above will output the REST API call. This can be modified appropriately and the output can piped to jq to get subset of the data.