When I list the pods in a cluster (on a specific node and in all namespaces) then each pod listed also contains the container statuses, and therein I get the container runtime engine IDs of each of the containers listed.
To illustrate, I'm using this Python3 script to access the cluster API via the official Kubernetes Python client; this is a slightly modified version from How to find all Kubernetes Pods on the same node from a Pod using the official Python client?
from kubernetes import client, config
import os
def main():
# it works only if this script is run by K8s as a POD
# use this outside pods
# config.load_kube_config()
# grab the node name from the pod environment vars
node_name = os.environ.get('KUHBERNETES_NODE_NAME', None)
v1 = client.CoreV1Api()
print("Listing pods with their IPs on node: ", node_name)
# field selectors are a string, you need to parse the fields from the pods here
field_selector = 'spec.nodeName='+node_name
ret = v1.list_pod_for_all_namespaces(watch=False, field_selector=field_selector)
for i in ret.items:
print("%s\t%s\t%s" %
(i.status.pod_ip, i.metadata.namespace, i.metadata.name))
for c in i.status.container_statuses:
print("\t%s\t%s" %
(c.name, c.container_id))
if __name__ == '__main__':
N.B. The Pod uses a suitable ServiceAccount which enables it to list pods in all namespaces.
A typical result output when run on a minikube setup might look like this:
Listing pods with their IPs on node: minikube cattle-system cattle-cluster-agent-c949f5b48-llm65
cluster-register docker://f12fcb1acbc2e7c01c24dbd831ed53ab2a6df2353abe80988ae132c39f7c68c6 cattle-system cattle-node-agent-hmq86
agent docker://e335a3d30ea37887ac2a1a1cc339eabb0a0098471f86db1926cfe02eef2c6b8f gw pyk8s
py8ks docker://1272747b52983e8f745bd118b2d935c1d314e9c6cc310e88013021ba974bc030 kube-system coredns-c4cffd6dc-7lsdn
coredns docker://8b0c3c67532ee2d7d16958a33cb942d5bd09ed37ded1d570830b5f7e5f7a09ab kube-system etcd-minikube
etcd docker://5e0e0ee48248e9779a2a5f9347a39c58743562b10719a31d7d6fc0af5e79e093 kube-system kube-addon-manager-minikube
kube-addon-manager docker://96908bc5d5fd9b87779c8a8544591e5aeda2d58956fb365ab595681605b01001 kube-system kube-apiserver-minikube
kube-apiserver docker://0711ec9a2321b1b5a801ab2b19409a1edc731058aa994978f989185efc4c8294 kube-system kube-controller-manager-minikube
kube-controller-manager docker://16d2e11a8dea2a46cd44bc97a5f894e7ff9da2da70f3c24376b4189dd912336e kube-system kube-dns-86f4d74b45-wbdf6
dnsmasq docker://653c7ef27760a820449ee518b59e39ab4a7f65cade996ed85313c98038827f67
kubedns docker://6cf6aaeac1192cf1d580293e03164db57bc70bce41cf91e5cac081010fe48cf7
sidecar docker://9816e10d8455988aa400f98df32cfa69ce89fbfc3e3e1554145d9d6418c02157 kube-system kube-proxy-ll7lq
kube-proxy docker://6b8c7ce1ae3c8fbc487bf05ccca9105dffaf675f916cdb62a595d8be7902e69b kube-system kube-scheduler-minikube
kube-scheduler docker://ab79e46ba900753d86b7000061720551a199c0ea6eee923fcd86bda2d86cc54a kube-system kubernetes-dashboard-6f4cfc5d87-bmnl8
kubernetes-dashboard docker://a73ef6b30fb87826a4a71ba428a01511278a759d69fade82ddd654911ec3f14f kube-system storage-provisioner
storage-provisioner docker://51eaf90bc3ae11baa354a436e366730c19206c73743c6517a0ad9eb8f0b89896
Please note that this lists the container IDs of the pod containers, except the pause container IDs. Is there an API method to also get/list the container IDs of the pause containers in pods?
I tried searching for things like "kubernetes api pod pause container id" ... but I did not get any useful answers, except the usual API results for containerStatuses, etc.
to v1.list_pod_for_all_namespaces? It saysIf true, partially initialized resources are included in the response.
inside kubernetes python docs -kubernetes.client.CoreV1Api – Crou