I searched around for this problem, and found the same question two times but for other versions of Julia. And the solutions didn't work for me. I'm using a Xubuntu 18.04 system.
I wrote this code with the documentation of Gtk.jl:
using Pkg
Pkg.add( "Gtk" )
using Gtk
win = GtkWindow( "Tuto GTK", 400, 200)
b = GtkButton( "Click me!" )
push!( win, b )
A simple example.
It works in REPL:
- If I enter the statements sequentially in the REPL
- If I write the code in a file (say file.jl) and issue
include( "file.jl" )
But it doesn't work with the command: julia file.jl
I think there may be some initialization code missing, but the julia executable doesn't seem to have a verbose option.
Can someone help,please?