I am trying to use Julia with the Gtk package outside the REPL.
Using this code:
Using Gtk.ShortNames
win = @Window("My Window")
in the REPL works, but the same code put in a test.jl file and using:
julia test.jl
in the command line does not work.
I have tried the method written here: https://github.com/JuliaLang/Gtk.jl
Using Gtk.ShortNames
win = @Window("gtkwait")
# Put your GUI code here
if !isinteractive()
c = Condition()
signal_connect(win, :destroy) do widget
The code runs but no window appears.
If it's any help, I'm on Manjaro Linux with 4.1 Linux Kernel and have both GTK2 and GTK3 librairies installed.
(which I think is the equivalent togtk_widge_show_all()
) on the window to show it. This is what happens with normal GTK+. – andlabs