To delete messages with a command, you have to use TextChannel.bulkDelete()
, in this case maybe after fetching the messages via TextChannel.fetchMessages()
To "log" them, you may want to build a RichEmbed
and put your info in the fields.
I would try something like this:
// logs = the TextChannel in wich you want the embed to be sent
// trigger = the Messages that triggered the command
// This is just a sample implementation, it could contain errors or might not be the fastest
// Its aim is not to make it for you, but to give you a model
async function clear(n = 1, logs, trigger) {
let {channel: source, author} = trigger;
if (n < 1 || !logs || !source) throw new Error("One of the arguments was wrong.");
let coll = await source.fetchMessages({ limit: n }), // get the messages
arr = coll.array(),
collected = [],
embeds = [];
// create groups of 25 messages, the field limit for a RichEmbed
let index = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i += 25) {
for (let m = i; m < i + 25; m++)
if (arr[m]) collected[index].push(arr[m]);
// for every group of messages, create an embed
// I used some sample titles that you can obviously modify
for (let i = 0; i < collected.length; i++) {
let embed = new Discord.RichEmbed()
.setTitle(`Channel cleaning${collected.length > 1 ? ` - Part ${i+1}` : ""}`)
.setDescription(`Deleted from ${source}`)
.setAuthor(`${author.tag} (${})`, author.displayAvatarURL)
.setTimestamp(trigger.editedAt ? trigger.editedAt : trigger.createdAt),
group = collected[i];
for (let msg of group) {
let a = `${} (${}) at ${msg.editedAt ? msg.editedAt : msg.createdAt}`,
c = msg.content.length > 1024 ? msg.content.substring(0, msg.content.length - 3) + '...' : msg.content;
embed.addField(a, c);
// once the embeds are ready, you can send them
source.bulkDelete(coll).then(async () => {
for (let embed of embeds) await source.send({embed});
// this is a REALLY basic command implementation, please DO NOT use this as yours
client.on('message', async msg => {
let command = 'clear ';
if (msg.content.startsWith(command)) {
let args = msg.content.substring(command.length).split(' ');
if (isNaN(args[0]) || parseInt(args[0]) < 1) msg.reply(`\`${args[0]}\` is not a valid number.`);
else {
await msg.delete(); // delete your message first
let logs; // store your channel here
clear(parseInt(args[0]), logs, msg);
Note: the highlighting for this kind of stuff, with a lot of backtick strings and objects, is pretty bad. I suggest reading the code in another editor or you might end up not understanding anything