I have d3 collapsable tree. I have external button that controls expansion and collapsing of tree. I can expand all, collapsable all. And also, I can expand one level at a time. I am having trouble collapsing one level at a time.
For any one without prior understanding of d3. If node is expanded then d.children is not empty & d.children is empty and if node is collapsed d.children is not empty and d.children is empty.
Here is my logic to expand one level :
private expandNodeOneLevel(d) {
var children = (d.children) ? d.children : d._children;
if (!d.children) {
if (children) {
d.children = d._children;
d._children = null;
if (children) {
children.forEach((node) => this.expandNodeOneLevel(node));
public expandOneLevelNodes() {
Here is my logic to collapse one level at a time, which is wrong as it is collapsing all the tree nodes. I am having trouble to break the recursion.
private collpaseOneLevelNodes = (d) => {
var children = (d.children) ? d.children : d._children;
if (!children) {
children.forEach((node) => {
if (d.children) {
d._children = d.children;
d.children = null;
public collapseOneLevel() {
I would really appreciate if some one points out where my mistake is or any other better approach.